
The below will help you quickly install meshoid.


You will need a working Python 3.x installation; we recommend installing Anaconda Python version 3.x. You will also need to install the following packages:

  • numpy

  • numba

  • scipy

Installing the latest stable release

Install the latest stable release with

pip install meshoid

This is the preferred way to install meshoid as it will automatically install the necessary requirements and put meshoid into your ${PYTHONPATH} environment variable so you can import it.

Install from source

Alternatively, you can install the latest version directly from the most up-to-date version of the source-code by cloning/forking the GitHub repository

git clone

Once you have the source, you can build meshoid (and add it to your environment) by executing

python install


pip install -e .

in the top level directory. The required Python packages will automatically be installed as well.

You can test your installation by looking for the meshoid executable built by the installation

which meshoid

and by importing the meshoid Python frontend in Python

import meshoid